While in Italy I thought I'd read every interior design magazine I could get my hands on. In the UK mags are basically available in two flavours: standard (indipendent publications) and free (i.e. distributed as integral part of a daily newspaper on a particular day of the week/month). In Italy there is a third variety, the semi-free mag. My favourite is distributed with "La Repubblica", which costs slightly more on the last Saturday of the month. Presumeably this allows the publication not to be entirely reliant on advertising and advertorials. Other daily newspapers publish interior design inserts and for some reason these appear to me more informative and up to speed than some of the standard Italian i.d. publications. Have a look at Repubblica's Casa&Design and ATCasa by Rizzoli Corriere della Sera. On a slightly more radical level, and involving a bigger commitment both in terms of time and money, you might prefer to acquaint yourself with Domus, The architecture and interior design magazine founded by Gio' Point in 1928 (or their website, also available in English). Taschen recently published a 12 volume collection covering the Domus years between 1928 and 1999.

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