At the cost of sounding like a broken record, interior design is - among other things - the art of compromise. The clever people at AUTON in California provide us with just the compromise for our TV conundrum. Want a big screen and have nowhere to put it other than above the fireplace BUT don't want a plasma taking over your living room? Hide it! say the people at Auton. Other companies have reached that conclusion in the past and effective mirror fronts have been created for the purpose. This solution however looks at home in an up market bathroom or in a high tech office. In a living room a painting or a large photograph may look more at home. This can be achieved with a completely custom made solution but, as of 2006, Auton's Shadow Trak and the In-vis-o-trak provide a much cleaner solution. Ask your designer to contact Auton direct (as they have no distributors in the UK at the time of writing). Also, ensure your building contractor has been correctly instructed as to how to prepare the wall or chimney breast on which the track will be fitted.
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