Monday, March 23, 2009

RENTAL PROPERTIES: keeping it simple

Having tried a number of different solutions the basic formula revealed itself to be the best: keep it simple! "Simple" may mean neutral colours, which will allow any colour scheme the tenant may wish to introduce, but it also means:
- durability v. quality issues should be carefully considered (in the kitchen shown above a laminate worktop was preferred to real wood, which requires regular maintenance, but a 40mm thick "top end of the market" product was selected)
- quality materials, fixtures and fittings should be used: they pay off in the end
- pay attention to maintenance issues (allow for inspection panels and ease of access to pipework etc., comply with regulation regarding labling of all fused switches)
- generous and well equipped storage spaces should be provided in proportion to the number of bedrooms in the property
- wiring should be laid and sockets (power, TV & phone) should be as numerous as possible to allow for different furniture layouts without the need for later (surface and unsightly) additions

Simple rules always work best.

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